If you are injured you need an attorney. The insurance company is not interested in paying you an amount of money to fully compensate for your injuries. The insurance company’s primary goal is to get rid of you and your claim for as little as possible.
When you are injured in a motor vehicle accident due to the negligence (fault) of another, you have the right to bring a claim against that person (s) to get your motor vehicle repaired which is called a property damage claim. You also have the right to bring a claim against that person(s) for your injuries which is called a bodily injury claim. Our office will obtain all of your medical records so that when you are finished treating with your doctors, your claim can be properly valued to insure you get what you deserve. We will be your advocate and will attempt to negotiate a settlement or, if necessary, file a lawsuit which starts the process towards a trial. Our office will obtain for you an amount of money to fully and fairly compensate you for your damages.
If you are injured in a motor vehicle collision call 860-889-3355 and schedule an appointment.
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